Take an introductory online thirteen-moon wisdom journey with the trees of the Sacred Grove:
Calling all tree lovers. Do you yearn to deepen your connection with the native trees of these Celtic Lands, to nature and to yourself?
Enter into the Sacred Tree Grove and spend the next 13 moons travelling solo with the twelve Celtic Guardian Trees of the Grove.
You will connect with the energies of each tree in the imaginal realm, with monthly journal prompts, drummed journeys and guided meditations; supported by my bespoke tree sounds, and you will begin to remember your true self and step forward on your journey through life – rooted, grounded and connected to the source of your own personal power.
The 2025 journey begins on the 30th December 2024 with the Birch tree but it can be joined at any time of the year.
PLEASE NOTE If you join this pilgrimage after it has begun, you will have immediate access to the welcome and bonus materials and will then begin to walk your spiral in the current tree new moon, meeting the tree of that moon and then continuing on for a further 12 moons on your own personal pilgrimage
As we approach the Winter Solstice, we enter the grove for the final time to complete our journey
~to celebrate, reflect and to be grateful for this pilgrimage ~
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